Police & Law Enforcement

The Office of the Director of Intelligence JV Agnvs Dei Verbm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Filvs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum et Rex Regum et Reginarum La Couronne Mondes Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 Versailles, France. Director of Intelligence INTERPOL 200, quai Charles de Gaulle 69006 Lyon, France  nom de plume JC Angelcraft 


the world crown guarantees you the justice that you need to feel secure in your profession. 

October 19, 2022

The Office of the Director of Intelligence

Welcome to the Office of the Director of Intelligence.  If you are a police or law enforcement officer I welcome you.  You most likely have the kind of personality that does not like to be lied to.  I say this because I don’t like to be lied to.  These are critical days and there exist many liars in the most unlikely of places.

Many central governments have collapsed.  Virtual leaders created by high speed computers abound.  Terrorists of all kinds and with different motives are trying to capitalize from the current situation.

United Nations Organizations has dissolved more than once. Terrorists used its website,  the website of the World Health Organization, their organizational connections, and virtual leaders to flood the world with corornvirus propaganda and start a medical conspiracy.Many people have been brought to justice for coronavirus terrorism and justice against coronavirus and all medical and political conspiracies continues.

New terrorists have come up with the monkeypox virus. Terrorist have all sorts of ways to kill, but they need trust and they use fear to gain the trust of people. Looking to get treated for their coronavirus many people have died by vaccines, by treatments and by irresponsible medical information and various different ways. If you have a good family doctor, make them your best friend and make sure to get your medical questions answered from them personally. News and general and information are in a state of emergency. Television, radio, the Internet and wireless services are also affected.

Many police officers believe in God and I am not ashamed to tell you that I do to. The Holy Spirit is a very real presence in our world and God is judging the world’s most dangerous people and their conspiracies.

In 2011-2012 the judgment of God was made public. God’s justice has steadily been reducing the number medical terrorists, organizational terrorists, business terrorists, political terrorist and the kinds of people we never would suspect. Our organizational training as police and law enforcement officers has trained to us to police crimes committed by organized crime, gangs, serious and common criminals and deal with general complaints. But those at the very top, our business and organizational leaders, our presidents, our dictators, congressmen, senators, sultans and even religious leaders etcetera ended up getting judged by God which has passed over the common criminal. Organized crime at the very top was bigger and than we could imagine. You can expect more justice at the top.

Since opening the office of the director of intelligence 2015, I have handed out my business card, information and personal telephone number to high ranking military officials, local police and some federal police on various occasions introducing myself and placing myself at their service on various occasions. A municipal police station is about one block away from the offices of Ferrusquilla. Daily patrols come up the street and I can see them from my offices when I exercise. We have only had one terrorist threat to the offices and the police and I talked at length about it at our offices.

Since the judgement of God 2011-2012 has been made public we have had lots of justice against very dangerous people and I can assure you that the justice and the force of God will be with while you work on the street, in offices, in jails, and in prisons. Make sure still to pray and use wisdom with violent men and women and in all situations. If you fear for your family because you are police officer, do as I have and pray to God every day and for your family every day,

As I have written the judgement of God gives us hard to get justice against conspiracies and all their elements. I have defined those in judgement as the world’s most dangerous people. The common criminal might be argued as being the world’s most dangerous person, but those we least suspected have been judged by God. This is because leadership in many categories worldwide has become a hypocrisy.

It is important now for local, state, federal or national police and law enforcement to measure their political situation at the local, state, federal or national level. If your leaders and higher ups do not give the same information I do, they eventually will.

Lastly, it is important to remember that those who control virtual leaders are like Nazis and very dangerous people. They are into ethnic cleansing, biological and chemical warfare among many other things. As the judgment of God continues to break them down, you can expect a general decline in those things these conspiracies control in each nation.

You have nothing to fear. God’s justice will make sure you don’t have worry about going after the higher ups.  The World Crown guarantees you the justice that you need to feel secure in your profession.

Hard to get justice are the people we least suspect.  And as some of you know Federal Law Enforcement, Local, Country and State law enforcement have also experienced justice. But I want you to continue to be idealistic men and women who believe in justice and the in the force and goodness of God.   I want you to believe in the real Superman and not the Nazi and Communist superman.  If you are a Christian want you to believe in the real Jesus Christ and not in Alvaro Theis, or Sergey Anatolyevitch Torop.

If you are a Judaean, Muslim, a Hindu or a Buddhist or any another non Christian religion, I want you to believe in the Holy Spirit who is your God in Heaven and to believe in the judgement of God while you keep the peace in the nations that you work in. I guarantee you that if you are not getting the truth from your bosses or higher ups, you will with time. In the judgment of God, however, there is no earthly or organizational authority higher than the authority which has been blessed to facilitate the judgment of God officially and make it public.  That would be the World Crown.  I am sorry that it can’t be the Catholic Church. But trust the Holy Spirit the reason for all good religions in our world.

My peace I give you. God’s blessing on you and your families I ask for you. May the peace of the Holy Spirit which surpasses all understanding also be with you.

The Office of the Director of Intelligence JV Agnvs Dei Verbm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Filvs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum et Rex Regum et Reginarum La Couronne Mondes Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 Versailles, France. Director of Intelligence INTERPOL 200, quai Charles de Gaulle 69006 Lyon, France  nom de plume JC Angelcraft 

Right action has its rewards- JC