Interpol Report No.06010241201 Banking, Cell Phones, Credit Cards and Debit Cards.

The Office of the Director of Intelligence INTERPOL 200, quai Charles de Gaulle 69006 Lyon, France

Interpol Office of the Director of June 1, 2024: UTC+12:   Hello & welcome.  The new office of the Director of Intelligence for Interpol is in its 10th year of service,  It handles news and information emergency.  Banks are performing better, but critical reparations are still pending.  A reparation is when a bank customer has money stolen from their account and it is not returned by the bank.

First Responder has opened at the World Crown.  Life is pretty safe for most people.  Lithium Ion batteries remain a concern.  In its presentation First Responder highlights the most common source of electrical fires, problems which can be prevented with general maintenance.

The World Health Organization emergency services in English & Spanish

CCBM emergency news regulation can be translated into any language.

Radio, Television and Wireless:   Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, organizational information, scientific information,   historical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected.

It is always important for local and state governments,  the military of each nation and all law enforcement officers to be in touch with their political situation on a local, state and national level, and also to communicate with each other, keep each  other well informed and assists citizens as best they can during the general decline  while maintaining, peace, law and order.

Interpol Office of the Director of Intelligence: 2024: UTC+12:   Domestic terrorism inside each nation continues in a general decline.  Virtual leaders  and mixed reality news are common in dictatorships. Where there is corruption, leadership will continue to decline.  The World Crown assures justice against corornvirus, monkeypox, meningitis and all medical, business, scientific, institutional, organizational and political conspiracies et al.


Section A:1.

Banking;  Criminals work 365 days a year so the same care you apply during the Holidays make sure to apply all year long.

A woman, an American, with an excellent credit record and banking  history  with accounts in Chase, Wells Fargo,  Bank of America was robbed in 2023 after opening an account at a foreign bank which she used when she traveled.  The name of the bank is not important.   One day at the new bank she asked a  bank executive to help her.  He asked her for her cell phone  and he opened an application on her cell phone and left it insecure.

The woman who was in her 80s did not know what he did until later.   When she noticed money was missing, she returned to her new bank, spoke with the same account executive who took her phone again and denied her a bank statement.   Over period of 30 days  she watched money  being extracted  from her account every day. She repeatedly returned to the bank and was offered little help.    The thief took more than 500,000.00 in national currency draining her entire account.   The money was not insured by the bank.

Trying to resolving the matter, this woman who was a perfect banker her whole life was accused by a government investigator of being irresponsible for opening an application on her telephone and leaving it insecure.  Her money was not returned.  The bank fired the executive and still did not return her money.  The country where this happened does not matter.  It could happen in any country.

Keep and eye on your bank account.

Keep an eye on your bank balance.  If you use the internet for statements make sure to visit your bank and make sure your records match.

Make sure to keep records and check your bank account balance and transactions on a regular basis. Always keep copies of the transactions which appear on your bank statements.  If you keep up with your transactions by reading your  bank statements regularly, you may catch a problem before it gets bigger.

Once a terrorist is locked into your bank account, he or she will steal money every day if they can, until you take preventive measures to stop the extractions.   Make sure to report it to your bank and have them freeze your account so no money can enter or be withdrawn from your account and start procedures to recuperate your money.

Senior citizens and unsuspecting people with money in their bank accounts are made targets.  Bank and government regulation processes are still your best bet to recuperate your money if it is stolen from your account.

Settling a complaint with your bank


Tape recorder & clipboard

Section A:2

In the event of a problem with your bank account,  using a tape recorder to protect yourself when settling a complaint may be a good idea.  Banks record their conversations with you and this gives you the right to do the same.  That way you both have records.

Make sure not to use a cell phone to record. Cell phones can be made insecure and a terrorists could stop or even erase your recording if your cell phone is not secure.

When making a complaint carry a clipboard and keep a history with times dates and the people you speak with.  If you have problems with your bank account make sure to tape record your complaint.  Make sure the person you are talking to knows you are recording them and get the names and business cards of those who attend you.

If any  bank’s computers inside any major bank are operational and employees refuse to give you a copy of your bank statement, ask to speak to a manager.   If both refuse you your account statement then  call a local police officer to help.  There is no logical reason you should be refused your bank statement by any branch manager or employee of a bank.  In all cases, make sure to be thorough in the recording of your complaint.   Make sure to use your banks resolutions and government regulators before calling an attorney.  If you have no choice but to call an attorney, make sure it is someone you know and trust.

Transferring Money: Wireless Services

Section A:3

If you receive international transfers always make sure to verify  by phone with the person receiving the money the amount sent and the amount received.

Telecommunication & Organized Crime 

Section A:4

Deregulation of telecommunications began in the early 1970s,  which opened up a new less secure commercial economy.  To  increase your personal security do not download banking applications or bank with your phone.   Banking in person cuts down the risk of people interfering with your banking.

United Nations, IMF, et al. 

Section A:5

No contact has been made with us by the United Nations, the World Bank, I.M.F. or of any of their organizations.   Mass media, political news and general information remain in a state of emergency.   Our offices in Mazatlan are open 12-5 Monday through Friday.

World Health Organization Info

Section A:6

The World Health Organization emergency services in English & Spanish can be translated into any language.

The offices of the Director of Intelligence for Interpol have been monitoring and following the mass media emergency now for several years and are experts in the news and information emergency.  The news and information emergency has been in effect now since 2011-2012.  Problems also existed before that. The Office of the Director of Intelligence for Interpol reports on the news and information emergency and works with the World Crown in securing justice for our world.

General Report. 

Section B:

Organized crime:  As processes of justice continue, the structure of organized crime also changes.

Radio, Television and Wireless:   Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, organizational information, scientific information,   historical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected.

Technology & Information.  

Section C:

At all times and especially during the general decline everyone is advised to be more careful with their personal information on the internet or any business establishment that may entice them with special offers in exchange for their personal information. Using a credit card also subjects many people to unwanted marketing. Credit cards, debit cards, cell phones and computers are the focus of terrorists.


Section D:

The news and information conspiracy affects many areas of life, even our e-mail.  Inside an  e-mail’s inbox,  people may get unsolicited offers for new exciting services and commercial products  that appeal to their tastes and interests.  These offers will direct the user to click and follow their links. If you did not sign up or have forgotten that you signed up or subscribed to any service we recommend you delete the email immediately.    Also if you have used your credit card on the internet or  provided a store where you shop with your e-mail and credit card, you have subjected yourself to the information world.  In the information world the more you give out your information or use your credit card in person or on the internet to shop,  the more terrorists will try to intercept and interfere with your information.   The more you believe in God the more peace you will have about your information, but problems can still arise.

Unwanted E-mails

Section E:

For the average person there is much less interference in normal things like e-mail and internet browsing.   However, even the average person across the spectrum of e-mail providers are subject to spam and intrusions in the form of unwanted e-mails.   This is because terrorists subscribe people to commercial websites without their permission using their information.  They use email and also fill out hand written  forms with your name and e-mail without you knowing.  Using technology we can fix this problem. In addition,  when the technology war is over, we will return to the system where your personal computer is identified at every website you visit and unless the terrorists use your computer or wireless telephone they will not be able to subscribe you or do anything with your information, not even hand written information.

What can I do?

Section F:

If you get subscribed to a commercial website and you know you never subscribed to it, you can unsubscribe yourself and make sure you adjust the controls of your email to deter unwanted e-mails in future. However, using your email address terrorists may try to subscribe you again and so you have to keep unsubscribing yourself.  Furthermore, If you do not have friendly, empowering, e-mail controls additional software is not going to solve your problem.  You will have to do the best you can until your email service provider upgrades their e-mail services to provide you with a better control of your e-mail.

Can I complain?

Section G:

If a phone number or an online form is provided on the commercial website you have the option to complain.  If it is a push button complain form or automatic response e-mail do not expect much of it.  If you do complain however, and it does not work, and  you get tired of this process,  it is best just to delete unwanted e-mails and keep records of the problem should you want to pursue legal action in the future.  If it is a terrorist organization causing the problem you may not have to file legal action as they are already being brought to justice on charges much more serious than just harassing you or trying to defraud you. 

What else can occur?  

Section H:

Inside e-mail inboxes, people may get unsolicited exciting offers for commercial products that appeal to their tastes and interests.  These offers will direct the user to click and follow the links provided in the e-mails.  The user may also get receipts that confirm payment of items that were purchased using their name for things they did not buy.  This is a scam and a hook to make people investigate with their computers.   By clicking on links and following the prompts on computers, a person can  enter into a matrix where their computer is tied into a perfectly controlled terrorists commercial network filled with coronavirus, attractive discounts, catalog shopping, false politics and an excessive amount of false information.

Credit Cards & Debit Cards

Section I:

Credit and Debit card things which should be used less, especially inside a technology, news and information emergency.   ATMS inside banks  are generally safer than independent ATM machines. Banking directly where your thumbprint is required is even more secure.



Section J:

E-Commerce is most successful when a business has a well known address and communicates with its customers. The more personalized the communication and the services the more successful your business will be using the internet.


Section K:

Credit card companies and banks are generally secure.  A phenomena with independent creditors has arisen to loan you money to buy anything from appliances to a house. Major companies and department stores also offer in-house credit for their merchandise and are generally safe, but if you are buying a new home we recommend you get your home through a well established lender.  Don’t forget that banks are great resources for information about credit and  finance.


Section L:

The Office of the Director of Interpol operates on a non-profit standard.  This is because .gov .edu .mil .com .net .org  and (country domains & all financial domains ) are not all perfectly secure according to human standards.  When the technology and mass media emergency is over, Interpol, Interpol DOI , the World Crown, The new World Bank.   the new World Health Organization  and many other organizations businesses using the non-profit standard will be reset into standard business, government, commercial and organizational domains.


Section M:

Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected.   Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, scientific information,   historical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected.  Make sure to keep in touch with your world so nothing takes you by surprise.

During the emergency government workers and the police will do their best to answer your questions.  When the news and information crisis is over we will be sure to broadcast it here at this website first then inside our network and also on television, radio, and wireless services  01012021


Section N:

  • Mass media: news and information are in state of emergency:
  • Banking: generally stable
  • Weather: perfectly stable, normal
  • Commerce: generally stable
  • Communications: Cell Phones: generally stable.
  • Communications: Land lines:  generally stable.
  • The Internet: generally stable but its news is not reliable,
  • News & information on the internet: Problematic
  • News & information on the television and radio: Problematic:
  • Currency: stable
  • Government information: problematic at the highest levels
  • Government services: generally stable
  • Government subsidies:  are generally  stable:
  • International Banking: generally stable
  • Radio: News is problematic
  • Meteorology: No meteors or comets are scheduled to destroy life.
  • Television: Unhealthy at times, news is problematic
  • Petroleum & Natural Gas services: generally stable
  • Power & Water: generally stable: Water quality differs from one country to the next much depends on the location where you live.
  • Waste management: generally stable where routs have been established.

 God is with us and with the help of the Holy Spirit we will get through the general decline.  With time many parts of our world where extreme   disparity and poverty exists, will be improved.

The World Crown

Section O:

The World Crown’s court of justice can be accessed at  MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Château Versailles.  The World Crown’s main website is La Couronne Monde Château Versailles where monthly addresses are given.

Public Health

The World Health Organization info is an emergency service in English & Spanish and can be translated into any language.

Section P:

Mass media political news and general information continue in state of emergency. Health information, educational information, organizational information, political information, business information, investment information, economy information, legislation (laws) and governments are affected. Since the office of the Director of Intelligence  was established in August of 2014, no one representing United Nations, the old World Bank (2013), the old IMF International  Monetary Fund, Interpol, regulation, wireless, cable, television, radio, the internet or news agencies have communicated with our offices  or with  CCBM regulators

The Office of the Director of Intelligence JV Agnvs Dei Verbm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Filvs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum et Rex Regum et Reginarum La Couronne Mondes Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 Versailles, France. Director of Intelligence INTERPOL 200, quai Charles de Gaulle 69006 Lyon, France  nom de plume JC Angelcraft